Monday 30 September 2013

How to Flush a Septic Line on a Travel Trailer

The septic tank on a travel trailer is the holding area for all the waste that comes from your toilet. Understandably, the septic tank and it's drain line are likely to be the dirtiest, most bacteria ridden areas on your trailer. At times, the septic line that leads from the septic tank to the drain valve can get clotted and jammed up. At the end of each travel season, you may wish to flush the septic line in order to ensure that the system is clean.



    Drain your septic tank fully into a designated septic dump station using the large PVC drain tube you use to drain all your wastewater tanks. Close the drain valve once the tank is empty.


    Mix two cups water softener into one gallon of hot water and pour down your toilet so that it enters the septic holding tank. Water softener will encourage residue in your septic tank to come off the walls and travel out the drain valve. The hot water helps the water softener to dissolve.


    Fill your septic tank to nearly full with clean water, reattach your large PCV drain tube and open the drain valve. Residual waste should come out as a result of the water softener.


    Close the drain valve, pour one gallon of liquid bleach into the septic tank, fill with water and then drain again. This final step helps disinfect your septic tank, but it also helps wash out and clean your drain tube.


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