Saturday 28 September 2013

It's frustrating to arrive at your hotel room after a long flight, only to find that your shampoo has exploded all over the contents of your suitcase. Fortunately, you can get your liquids safely to your destination, while keeping in line with the latest airline restrictions.



    Remember the 3-ounce rule. When you fly, the containers you use for liquids must carry no more than 3 ounces. Buy clear, travel-size bottles and fill them with your shampoo and other toiletries for a no-hassle trip through security.


    Cap each bottle tightly. In both airline and car travel, you're likely to go through several elevation changes during your trip. The pressure fluctuations can open loosened caps. Give each bottle an extra twist to make sure it's closed properly.


    Pack everything in plastic. Place each individual bottle in its own bag, or put them all one large bag. Travel toiletry bags are great for this. For an extra layer of protection, put the items in plastic bags before packing them in the toiletry bag.


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