Wednesday 25 September 2013

How to Say Basic French Phrases when Traveling

Planning a trip to la belle France? French society is based on politeness. Learning just a few basic phrases will help you more easily navigate your vacation in France--and maybe make a few Gallic friends while you're at it.



    The Basics:

    Bonjour (bohn-zhoor) "Hello"

    Au revoir (oh-rev-vwha) "Goodbye"

    Je ne parle pas franais. (Zhe ne parl pah frahn-say) "I don't speak French"

    Parlez-vous anglais? (par-lay voo ahn-glay) "Do you speak English?"

    Je m'appelle (Zhe mah-pel) "My name is"

    S'il vous plat (seel-voo-play) "Please"

    Merci (mare-cee) "Thank you"

    Pas de quoi (Pah-de-kwah) "You're welcome"

    Je ne comprends pas. (Zhe ne cohmp-ron pas) "I don't understand"

    Oui (we) "Yes"

    Non (noh) "No"

    Excusez-moi (ex-koo-say mhwa) "Excuse me"


    Learn who, what, when and where:

    Qui? (kee) "Who?"

    Quoi? (kwah) "What?"

    Pourquoi? (poor-kwah) "Why?"

    Quand? (kahn) "When?"

    O? (Oo?) "Where?"

    O se trouve? O est... ? (oo-ce-troove/oo eh) "Where is...?"

    O est la banque la plus proche? (oo eh lah bahnk lah ploo proch) "Where is the nearest bank?"

    O est la gare? (oo eh la gahr) "Where is the train station?"

    O est la toilette? (oo eh la twa-let) "Where are the toilets?"



    Ouvert (ouw-ver) "Open"

    Ferm (fair-may) "Closed"

    Je voudrais... (Zhe voo-dray) "I would like"

    Combien a cote? (Cohm-by-en sah coot) "How much does that cost?"

    Puis-je l'essayer? (Pwee zhe leh-say-AY) "May I try it on?"

    Je le prendrai (Zhe le prawn-dray) "I'll take it"

    Le magasin (le mah-gah-zahn) "Store"

    La robe (la rub) "Dress"

    La jupe (la zjoop) "Skirt"

    La chemise (la shem-eez) "Shirt"

    Les pantalons (pahn-ta-lon) "Pants"

    Chausseurs (show-seh) "Shoes"

    Chausettes (show-set) "Socks"



    1 un (uhn)

    2 deux (deh)

    3 trois (twah)

    4 quatre (kahtr)

    5 cinq (sank)

    6 six (sees)

    7 sept (set)

    8 huit (wheet)

    9 neuf (nuhf)

    10 dix (dees)

    100 cent (sohn)

    200 deux cent (duh-sohn)


    At the restaurant:

    Monseiur/Madame (m'syhur/mah-dam) "Waiter" (Do not say "garcon." It's considered a bit of an insult)

    Je prendrai... (zhe prawn-dray) "I'll have..."

    Avez-vous...? (ah-vay voo) "Do you have...?"

    L'addition (lah-di-shyon) "The check"

    Une tasse (oon tahs) "Cup"

    Une verre (oon vehr) "Glass"

    Une fourchette (oon foor-shet) "Fork"

    Une cuillre (oon kuy-ehr) "Spoon"

    Un couteau (uhn koo-toh) "Knife"

    Du sel/poivre (dew sehl/pwahv) "Some salt/pepper"

    La soupe (la soop) "Soup"

    Les entrees (lays-on-tray) "Appetizers"

    Les plats (Lay plah) "Main Courses"

    Les desserts (Lay day-ser) "Desserts"

    Le caf (le cah-fay) "Coffee or a cafe"

    Le th (le tay) "Tea"

    Le sucre (le sook) "Sugar"


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