Tuesday 1 October 2013

Insurance is basically to avoid any kind of unexpected damage or loss of those things that are fiscally associated. In case of aircraft insurance it covers the aircraft and its contents. The owner's responsibility and accident insurance of the passengers is also covered most of the time. At times the state requires the owners and operators to have insurance covering the aircraft and the operations. At least third party liability coverage should be there so that if a loss of injury is caused to a third person due to the operation of the aircraft, responsibility is taken. If the aircraft is hypothecated as collateral, the finance institution will require hull coverage and replacement value insurance as most of the finance institution have it as a policy.

This is a must since the accidents actually incur heavy loss on the people involved and at times it takes years for them to recover. Probably that is the reason it was initially started by the marine insurance underwriting community since initially ships were as large as an investment as an aircraft now though ships have not yet lost their glory and value. It started applying to the aircraft industry, the most expensive aviation industry in modern times, from the year 1929 when the Warsaw convention was signed.

Easy Methods to Obtain Aviation Insurance

An insurance agent or broker will save you form all the trouble of applying for insurance. Then the insurance company would go through your financial history to assess the risk that would be involved in insuring you. After all the investigation and acceptance of all the risk factors, the premium would be determined and which would be based on the amount of risk involved. The more the risk factor, the more expensive your coverage would be. So if you do not want to pay a certain amount you can talk to them wherein they might accept the negotiation or simply reject it. Let me tell you the deciding factors, which work behind the underwriting decisions:
  • Aircraft type
  • Qualifications of the pilots involved
  • Nature of the operation that the aircraft is involved in, whether its business or pleasure.
  • Base of operations.
The risk policies that are issued would be like the Hull risk policy, the Hull all-risk policy which insures the aircraft against all kinds of physical loss and damage except the exclusions. There is a standard limit of deductible that applies to the aircraft insurance policies and that applies in case of partial loss and the amount is somewhere like $50,000 to $1,00,000. Deductibles can be insured by Deductible insurance.

Exclusions to the policy would be loss of use, delay or consequential loss like grounding. Wear and tear and deterioration of the aircraft would certainly not be included; ingestion damage like stones and dust getting in the engine that results into deterioration gradually is also excluded. Mechanical Breakdown is also not covered. This is all about the aircraft insurance, that is the mechanical vessel, but there is more to it like stated above that the contents of the vessel also are the liability of the owner and the operators and they also have to be insured.

Contents include passengers; baggage, cargo and mail; and third party liability would any third party who faces loss due to the operation of the aircraft. Liability (Third party) insurance excludes damages to the owner own property in case of third party damage; war or risks would also not be included and so will noise and pollution also would not be included.

Whenever you go for aviation insurance, check the clauses and read it carefully. There might be few terms and conditions that are important but you overlook it.


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