Tuesday 1 October 2013

Luxembourg is a small landlocked country bordered by Belgium, France and Germany, with easy access by train from Belgium. You'll have several choices when booking train travel between the two countries. Read on to learn how to book train travel from Belgium to Luxembourg.


Book Train Travel From Belgium to Luxembourg


    Purchase tickets at the station. No reservations are required for InterCity (IC) trains, and trains leave hourly from stations all over Belgium to Luxembourg.


    Choose a EuroCity (EC) train, which offers a more luxurious ride, but fewer choices for departure. Three trains travel daily between Brussels and Namar in Belgium and Luxembourg. EC fares are around $40 to 65 from Brussels.


    Book tickets in advance using Rail Europe. The site allows you to book train travel within Europe on several different trains. It takes about a week to receive your tickets by mail in the United States. To book train travel from Belgium to Luxembourg, call Rail Europe at (888) 382-RAIL or visit the link below.


    Reserve a first-class seat if you want a bit more privacy. Both EC and IC trains have first-class cars for travelers. On EC trains, there is usually a dining or bar car accessible to first-class passengers.

Prepare for Your Travel Between Belgium and Luxembourg


    Expect to spend about three hours on board the train from Brussels to Luxembourg. Obviously, the travel time will be less from other stops in Belgium.


    Invoke the "Any station in Belgium" rule. The last stop in Belgium is Arlon on the Intercity trains. If you are transferring within 24 hours from a Eurostar train, you only need to book a ticket for Arlon to Luxembourg, no matter which station you departed from. Travel time from Arlon is about 20 minutes.


    Pack light. Neither EC or IC offers any baggage service, so you will be carrying your own bags to Luxembourg.

Arrive in Luxembourg


    Pick up a Luxembourg Card at the station, which includes unlimited use of public transportation and free entry to more than 30 attractions throughout the country for about $10 a day per person or $20 a day for a family of five.


    Transfer easily to Luxembourg Railways. There is at least one train every hour to each station at the same time between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. daily. It is known as a Horaire Cadence schedule.


    Cash in your loose change. The official currency is the Luxembourg franc, and you'll need some if you plan to catch a cab or ride the bus from the train station.


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