Wednesday 2 October 2013

Traveling is one activity that seniors look forward to after retirement. Unfortunately, unless you've done very well and retire with a lot of money, finances can crimp your style. The good news is that there are a plethora of deals available to seniors for travel. You can join travel clubs and take advantage of group discounts. Tour companies often cater to seniors and their flexibility.



    Join a travel club. AARP and other senior groups offer senior members a chance to pool their resources and bargain with airlines, hotels and tour companies. The clubs typically plan trips far in advance, giving you time to choose and plan.


    Save up. By planning ahead with a group tour or on your own, it can be easier to float the cost of your trip if you save a little each month prior to the trip.


    Always ask for a senior discount. Almost every business, from restaurants to hotels and airlines, offers special discounts to seniors. The age minimum for the deals varies, but there is never any harm in asking. Start asking at about age 55 and up.


    Consider a learning vacation. Groups such as Elderhostel offer amazing trips that include adventure and educational aspects you won't find on your own. The rates are very low for these kinds of travel experiences too because you often stay in local lodgings and travel in groups.


    Start your own travel club with friends. You can negotiate prices on cruises and hotels if you have a group. If you book a number of cabins on many cruise lines, you can even get a pass for one or two free tickets.


    Use your ties to nonprofit groups to plan trips. Many churches and nonprofit Friends organizations plan trips for their members. If your group doesn't do this, plan a trip yourself and use the group's communication vehicles (meetings, newsletters, email lists) to advertise your intentions and get input.


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