Sunday, 13 October 2013

If you ever want to connect a group, travel is one of the best ways to do it. It is a time to get to know people, make connections and sometimes brave the elements together. Since there has been a change in how travel agencies are paid, the average person with skills can plan a trip that is both fun and profitable. In the past, travel agents were given incentives and hefty commissions, but with the advent of the Internet, companies have found that they can offer the same incentives to the individual amateur planner. It is a numbers game. The more rooms you book, the more you save The keys are organization, pricing and delivering on your promises to both the traveler and the destination representative.



    Decide on your target aduience. Determine if the trip is for random strangers, office personnel, a fraternity or a bunch of CEOs. By knowing who the trip is for, you can make relevant plans.


    Decide the purpose of the trip, if it is just for fun or if there is a meeting or training involved. This will narrow down the type of place you want to book.


    Plan the location: Maybe a weekend in Vegas or a spa weekend in Palm Springs. It all depends on what you want to accomplish. Let's say the trip is for fun. A weekend in Vegas or other gambling community can have huge payoffs for the planner. Some casinos will send buses that you just need to fill. They will offer you discounts on rooms, free shows and maybe a buffet or two. You make your money by charging for the ride.


    Price the trip, and be realistic. An all-expense paid trip is going to be pretty costly, so don't price it in the basement. Use online tools and vistor bureaus to get good deals. Add a reasonable amount to the tickets, so that you can turn a profit. This also serves as a built-in safeguard in case you find you have to make unanticipated purchases.


    Market your trip. Do all the marketing you can to fill the amount of rooms you have booked.


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