Sunday 22 September 2013

How to Repair the Interior Walls of a Travel Trailer

Any restoration or repair project should accomplish a couple of objectives. It should firstly improve the performance or function of the item being fixed. And secondly it should increase the value of the item. In this case, repairing the interior walls of any travel trailer will accomplish both of these objectives. With these repairs you will also increase the efficiency of heating and air-conditioning systems that are installed in the trailer. It will also increase the value of the trailer by showing potential buyers that the trailer was well maintained and cared for.



    Remove any wall light fixtures from the wall you are going to repair.


    Start in the top corner of the wall and carefully pry away any decorative wall covering that may be covering the inside trailer walls.


    Inspect the walls looking for any water damage, cracks, holes or rot that needs to be repaired. If the damage is extensive you should replace the entire section of the damaged interior wall.


    Apply wood putty to small holes and cracks in the interior wood wall. Allow the wood filler to dry then sand until it is smooth. Replace sections that were badly damaged.


    Re-attach the decorative wall interior and replace any light fixtures that were taken down prior to the repair.


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