Tuesday 1 October 2013

Astral travel is the belief that your consciousness can leave your body and travel to other places. Many people believe that flying dreams are a form of astral travel, and try to use sleep as a way to leave the body. Although you may have trouble consciously leaving your body while asleep, you may be able to experience the sensation of leaving your body on the edge of sleep.



    Wait until evening and darken the room. Make sure there are no sounds or sights to distract you. You should turn off your phone, put in ear plugs if you are in a noisy area, and tell your roommates not to disturb you.


    Lie down in a comfortable position. Some people like to lie down flat on their backs, while others prefer to lie back on pillows slightly propped up. The more horizontal you are, the easier it will be to relax, but the harder it will be to stay partially aware.


    Relax yourself. Take several slow, deep breaths. Imagine every corner of your body slowly filling and emptying as you breathe.


    Consciously relax your entire body. Start with your head, picturing warm, soothing light entering it and relaxing the muscles. The light can be any color you wish. Move down your body, focusing on every part until it fully relaxes.


    Empty your mind as completely as possible. You can open your eyes and gaze blankly into the darkness, or keep your eyes closed and focus on your own breathing.


    Picture yourself slowly rising out of your body. There are many different visualization techniques. You can feel yourself rocking back and forth as if on a swing, slowly rising higher and higher. You can picture yourself being lifted out by a cloud, or simply drifting upward. You can even imagine that you are using a rope to pull yourself up and up. Use an image that works for you.


    Explore the astral world. The way you do this depends on your visualization. You can picture yourself flying to different places, teleporting to a destination or just walking there. At this point, you will be almost completely asleep and pretty much unaware of your own body.


    When you are done, you can just get up and turn on the light. Alternately, you can fall fully asleep. There is no need to have a ritual to end your astral projection unless you want to.


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