Essentially, a travel brochure is a single sheet of paper that you can fold one or more times. But in a more complex sense, a brochure includes images and advertising copy that are intricately woven together to form a narrative. In other words, a well designed travel brochure unfolds like a story that prompts the reader to follow the images and copy. That is why the fold of a travel brochure is so important; it is part of a presentation.
- 1
Understand that any brochure is divided into panels on the front and back. Know that the number of panels varies from 4 to 10, with the six panel (two-fold) brochure being the most popular.
2Determine where you need to fold the brochure. Remember the pictures and graphics in a travel brochure can be spread across several panels in an effort to add continuity. But each bock of copy is limited to a column on a panel. The margins between the columns of copy is where you want to fold the travel brochure.
3Lay the travel brochure on a flat surface, making sure the outside panels face down. Working on a flat surface, such as a table or counter, will help you to make a straight crease.
4Place your left hand on the left side of the paper to anchor the paper. Draw up the right edge with your right hand and start bending it to within the first third of the left edge.
5Align the corners with the long edge. Secure the panel with your left thumb and forefinger if it helps.
6Press down at each corner to mark the place where you are to fold. Apply pressure and slide your finger down the sheet widthwise.
7Repeat Steps 4 through 6 with respect to left edge of the travel brochure. Run the edge of a pencil down each fold to ensure clean creases.
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