Thursday, 3 October 2013

How to Make Money Selling Travel Vouchers

Travel vouchers are offered to passengers who are voluntarily bumped from their flights due to overbooking from the airline. Airlines routinely overbook their flights to ensure that every seat on the flight will be filled. When those flights are overbooked and all passengers are present, the airline will ask if there is anyone present willing to wait for another flight that isn't as full. In return, passengers willing to wait receive a travel voucher; a document that allows you to receive credit towards your next flight with the same airline. Selling these is a great way to make money.



    Obtain a travel voucher. The best way to do this is to book a flight on a very busy day, such as the Friday before a major holiday, at a busy time like 9 a.m. Sit near the gate and listen for signs that the flight is overbooked. When the airline asks for volunteers, be the first person to the gate desk to volunteer to be bumped for your flight in exchange for a voucher.


    Make sure that the voucher is transferable. Some airlines will make a voucher nontransferable, which means you can't resell the voucher; the travel has to be completed by the person who received the voucher. Ask the ticket agent if the voucher is transferable. If it isn't, don't take it.


    List the travel voucher on an auction site or online classified site. Remember to include the amount for the voucher, the places that are eligible for travel with the voucher, the airline and all of the terms and conditions found on the voucher.


    Check the competition to see what the going price is for vouchers. You don't want to be the person with the highest price. Find the highest price offered, and the lowest price offered, and adjust your pricing to be somewhere in the middle of that to ensure a quick sale.


    Price the voucher at around 75 percent of its value if you don't see any vouchers currently for sale. For instance, if you have a $300 voucher, you should price it at $225. This ensure that you get a good price, but also the the price is low enough for buyers to feel that they are getting a good deal.


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