A travel trailer is the archetypal home-away-from-home, but that does not mean you should pack everything but the kitchen sink. Less is more when it comes to packing for the road. Take just enough of what you need. Instead of several stacks of books, take a Kindle, a Book Nook or other electronic reader. That is only one way to make certain that too much stuff will not be cluttering up your home on wheels.
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Consider the floor plan of your travel trailer. Plan your packing to minimize clutter and loose objects. If you are a pack rat at home, be prepared to leave most of it behind.
2Fill your storage areas with practical objects you will need in your travels, not sentimental favorites. You will need every bit of your travel trailer's space for cooking utensils and nonperishable food, first aid items, clothing and recreational needs.
3Bring only two or three changes of the seasonal clothes you will need for your trip. Do not bring your entire winter or summer wardrobe. There will be washers and dryers available nearly every place you stay. Plan to take advantage of them instead of packing your travel trailer's limited space with more clothes than you really need.
4Divide your packing into cooking utensils, utilities such as supplies you will need for the maintenance of the travel trailer itself, personal items, entertainment and outdoor recreation such as fishing tackle and hiking gear. If you have a large storehouse of canned goods, put the extra weight of it in small cabinets with locking doors close to the front of the trailer, rather than loading up extra weight in the rear and having it shift around on curves and up and down steep inclines.
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