Saturday, 5 October 2013

According to a 2007 article in the Journal of Sustainable Tourism, greenhouse gas emissions from aviation are a leading cause of global warming. Purchasing carbon offsets from a verified organization assists emissions-reduction projects around the world. Examples of projects include development of renewable energy and reforestation plans.


Carbon Offsets for Aviation Travel


    Calculate the carbon footprint. Carbon footprint calculators determine the total emissions of carbon dioxide using distance flown and class of travel. The nonprofit group, Sustainable Travel International, offers a free online calculator (


    Purchase carbon offsets from an organization that adheres to the Kyoto protocols for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. United Airlines and Continental Airlines provide a way for passengers to purchase carbon offsets online using Sustainable Travel International. Additionally, the Conservation Fund works with Delta Airlines and Travelocity to offer travelers online purchase of offsets.


    Reduce impact on the environment. Simple steps to minimize greenhouse gases, like biking to the store instead of driving, can help reduce your carbon footprint. Begin to use sources of renewable energy funded by carbon offsets.


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