Sunday, 13 October 2013

How to Travel to Ghana for Cheap

Cheap travel to Ghana is possible, because it is a major hub of travel to the West Coast region of Africa and several international airlines travel there regularly. Ghana is a bustling country, and according to the website Ghana Web the country is often referred to as an "island of peace" in one of the most chaotic regions on earth.



    Volunteer. Visit the official website of the United Nations Volunteer (UNV)program to fill out a application to offer your skills or experience for free in exchange for travel to Ghana.


    Read the qualifications for being a volunteer and make sure you are eligible to register. Read the section on the website labeled "Frequently Asked Questions" to familiarize yourself with the process before you begin the registration process.


    Fill out the online application. Specify your area of expertise and any relevant work experience. Verify your email address by clicking on the link in the email you'll receive from the United Nations. After you verify your email, you'll get another email from them with a log in number and password.


    Log in to the UNV site and complete the full application. If you have a CV or resume copy and paste it in the space provided.


    Prepare to travel. When your application is approved schedule appointments via the United Nations' medical department for a physical and immunizations for yellow fever and malaria. Provide the U.N. administration department with your passport so they can apply for your Visa and ticket.


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