Tuesday, 8 October 2013

It's tough when you have a spouse that travels for a living. It is equally hard for the spouse that travels. There are compromises and adjustments that have to be dealt with on both ends of the issue. However, many couples do this successfully. You can, too, with the help of the few following guidelines.



    Talk to your spouse every day, in fact, several times a day. Communication is extremely important in any relationship, but when you are physically in two different locations, talking and communicating becomes even more important. Be the first person your spouse talks to in the morning and the last at night. Of course, you must relay the events of the day, but don't forget to have some light moments in your conversation as well as how you feel about each other. All those little phone calls really do matter.


    Know your spouse's itinerary. Be informed as to where they will be traveling to, where they will be staying, airline information and who they will be traveling with. This is important should there be an emergency and you need to reach them in minutes.


    Plan everything. When you are apart a lot, many weeks at a time, you live by the calendar. Inform your spouse of any "required" attendance events such as family weddings, birthdays and holiday celebrations. Keep your calendar updated and share the info with each other every few days. Even plan for the days you will vacation together to make sure that your vacation time together is priority.


    Make the most of the days that you are together and show appreciation for each other. This means when your spouse gets home, make sure the laundry is caught up, the house is clean and the yard is mowed. That being done, you can have quality time together to go out to dinner, socialize with friends, go shopping or to a movie. Appreciate your time together instead of using your time to complain about how little time you are together.


    Fill your time with worth-while activities such as enjoying your children, having a rewarding job, doing volunteer work or developing a hobby you enjoy. Look forward to the times you will be together while you fill your "away" time with worth-while activities.


    Have a back up plan for home emergencies when you will not have the help of your spouse. Know the phone numbers of friends or family that can help in an emergency with the children. Keep phone numbers handy of repair companies in the event the house falls apart and keep the information ready on where to take the car if it isn't running properly.


    Understand that although one spouse travels for a living, you are a team. All major decisions should be made together. This is essential in keeping your marriage and family in a happy working order.


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