The Trans-Siberian Railroad connects Europe to Asia through the length of Russia. Crossing 15 times zones, it is the third-longest continuous train service in the world. Planning for travel on the Trans-Siberian Railway can be confusing and frustrating, but it will be the journey of a lifetime. The world will be your playground as the Trans-Siberian opens numerous travel opportunities. For example, utilizing the Trans-Siberian means you can travel from London to Japan without planes. It means you can travel from Spain to Thailand. You can see the Ural Mountains, the Gobi desert, Siberia, the Northern Lights, the Great Wall of China, and the world.
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Decide where you will start and end your journey. Heading eastbound, consider Vladivostok, Beijing, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Saigon, Shanghai, Bangkok, Hanoi or Singapore. You can start at either end of the railway and be connected by ship, train, or bus to numerous exciting locations in Asia and Europe. Some sample routes and final destinations:Moscow to Vladivostok leaves every second day-train No. 2 eastbound and train No. 1 westbound. From Vladivostok there is a weekly ship to Fushiki, Japan (36 hours, two nights). Fares on the "FESCO" from Vladivostok to Fushiki start at $400 and include meals. Moscow to Beijing trains leave twice a week. One of these trains takes you through Mongolia (Trans-Mongolian line) and the other goes through Manchuria (Trans-Manchurian line). Train 4 eastbound (train 3 westbound) leaves Moscow for Beijing every Tuesday night and arrives six days later. It takes you across the Siberian and the Gobi dessert. Train 20 eastbound (train 19 westbound) leaves Moscow on Friday night heading for Beijing via Manchuria. At either end, trains are easily taken to numerous destinations. For example, trains to London St. Pancras Station can be taken from Moscow. Trains to southeast Asia can be taken from Beijing. Hanoi can be reached by trains leaving Beijing twice a week. From Hanoi, it is easy to travel to Bangkok, Saigon and Singapore by bus or train.
2Will you want to make stops? It is possible to travel the full length of Moscow to Vladivostok in seven days, but you will not have experienced any stops or felt Siberia. The most common stops are Irkutsk in Siberia and Ulan Bator in Mongolia. Ulan Ude and Ekaterinberg are worth mentioning, as well. Planning stops is possibly the most difficult part of preparing for a trip on the Trans-Siberian Railroad. Stops are possible and suggested, but must be decided before buying tickets. Without buying separate tickets, you cannot simply get on and off at different cities you pass. For example, if you are traveling from Moscow to Beijing and want to stop in Ulan Bator, you must buy tickets from Moscow to Ulan Bator (train 6 eastbound, train 5 westbound) and then tickets from Ulan Bator to Beijing (runs two-three times a week). Additionally, if you are taking this route and would like to explore Irkutsk, there are daily trains from Moscow to Irkutsk and daily trains from Irkutsk to Ulan Bator (train numbers 263 and 264).For possible stops and routes, refer to the Trans-Siberian timetable.
3Prepare your passport several months in advance. You will not only need a valid passport for the journey, but you will need to acquire any necessary passports. You will need a visa for Russia. A Russian tourist visa allows entry for 30 days. A business visa allows for more time, but is quite expensive. A transit visa allows for 10 days, but does not allow you to spend time in Moscow. Russian visas can be acquired up to three months before entry and should generally be allowed one month for processing. There are agencies that offer "express" services. Russian visa applications require "letters of invitation" or "visa support." This is an invitation from a travel agency or proof of bookings for every night you intend to spend in Russia. This, however, can be purchased (cheaply) from Russian travel agencies. They sell you the necessary visa support without any real bookings. If traveling from London to Moscow, you will need a Belarus transit visa. You will need to have a Russian visa to apply for a Belarus transit visa or you can apply for both at once using a travel agency. This visa is about $100 (for U.S. citizens) one-way and takes six business days. U.S. citizens do not need a visa for traveling in Mongolia fewer than 90 days.You will need a China visa if planning to enter China. To apply for this, you need a confirmed ticket to and from China, as well as hotel bookings. It generally must be applied for in your country of residence and is quite expensive.
4Decide when you want to travel. The trains run year-round, however, May to September has the warmest weather and longest hours of daylight. Alternatively, Siberia in the winter is absolutely beautiful and the trains are nicely heated.
5There are many options for purchasing tickets. You will have the option of 1st class two-berth tickets, 2nd class four-berth tickets (called spalny wagon or SV), or 3rd class open-plan dormitory cars. The cost of one-way tickets will vary from $230 to $750, based on destination and class. There are also options of slower and lower quality trains, which will be cheaper. Fortunately, the Trans-Siberian Railway is not only for tourists and has reasonable fares. You can travel independently or book an all-inclusive tour (more expensive). Additionally, it is cheaper to book your tickets through a Russian travel agency than a western travel agency, but booking them yourself is always going to be the cheapest.
6Packing should be relatively easy. You do not need to pack food unless there are items you specifically desire. There are restaurants cars on the trains with local cuisine. Here you can purchase a two-course meal and a beer for about $6. You should, however, bring a cup or mug for drinking water. Additionally, you can purchase snacks and other food when the train makes stops. There will be food carts on the platforms. If you are bringing items that will need to be electrically recharged, such as cameras and iPods, this can be done in the bathrooms and corridors. You most likely will not have a power outlet in your compartment, but the carriage attendant will. They will often charge items for you for a small tip. Not all trains have showers. All trains do have bathrooms that are for the most part clean and up to western standards. If you are not comfortable going a week without a shower, bring wet wipes or a towel and soap and utilize the bathroom sink. You should pack the same items you would for any other trip the duration you are planning on taking. Check the weather for the time of year you are planning on taking your trip. Take into consideration the different climates you will be traveling though, but be careful not to pack too much. Carrying around extra luggage can add undue stress. A few traveling items that often come in handy are shower sandals, zip-lock bags, band-aids, vitamins, toilet paper, and a translation book.
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