Sunday, 13 October 2013

How to Make a Travel Log

You can make your own travel log to write down your traveling experiences, while storing photos and other souvenirs in organized pockets. Take a travel log on a nature hike. Write down your observations about a plant or flower, while collecting a leaf in the same pocket as the writing page. You can also take pictures of nature instead of collecting them. The choice is yours.



    Glue the bottom flaps of each lunch bag. Let the glue dry to keep the lunch bags flat.


    Lay down the bags directly on top of each other. Start with four or five bags for your travel log, although you may use any amount of bags you wish. The more bags you use, the bigger the travel log.


    Cut off -inch of the closed end of the bag. The more bags you use, the harder it will be to cut the bags together. You may cut them separately if you are using more bags.


    Staple the bags together. Fold the bags together, lengthwise and staple in the middle of the fold. Be sure the staple is parallel to the short end of the bags.


    Punch two holes in the bag, 2 inches from each side of the staple.


    String the book together. Tie the string in the holes. You now have a travel log that looks like a book, with pages that have openings for your collections.


    Label your pockets. If you are traveling into a new city, label the pockets according to landmarks or visited places and store post cards or other items in the pockets.


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