Sunday, 13 October 2013

The travel agent discount card scam takes advantage of consumers who attempt to plan their vacations well ahead of time to save money. Consumers are taken in by scammers as soon as they pay a fee for a supposed discount card.



    Examine an offer to buy a discount card for travelers' purchases. You may receive a call at home from a telemarketer or may be able to directly buy the card in public spaces or on the Internet.


    Learn the supposed benefits of buying the card. Many of these offers guarantee you discounts only available to travel agents. While some travel agent discount card scams involve a one-time purchase, others may require you to join some sort of club or organization and require you to pay a monthly fee.


    Pass up the opportunity to buy the discount card or your right to use it by paying a monthly fee. If you fall for the scam, you'll discover that your discount card is almost worthless. In some cases, you may end up paying more for your travel expenses by using the discount card, as certain companies affiliated with the discount card may misrepresent discounts and associated fees. Try to get a refund for your discount card. Realize that the scammers protect themselves using fine print.


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