I remember spotting miniature aircraft models at a shopping mall once. I passed the counter thinking it was the toys section only to find my guy covetously eying the wooden aircraft models and some hefty instruction booklets that accompanied. It was then that I realized that radio controlled airplanes and helicopters weren't toys.
What Are Radio-controlled Airplanes and Helicopters?
The controls are generally sent via the hand-held transmitter that has a joystick operator and the airplane or the helicopter has the receptors that catch these signals and operate accordingly. The receptors operate via servomechanism which is an automatic device that enables movement of control surfaces according to movement of the joystick on the transmitter.
This unique hobby dates back to the late 19th century, which boasts of electronically guided, hydrogen filled airships. These airships were flown as a music hall act around theater auditoriums using a basic spark-emitted radio signal. In was in the 1920s, that the Royal Aircraft Establishment of Britain built and tested the Larynx, which was a monoplane with a 100-mile range. And so it began...
Difference Between RC Helicopters and RC Airplane
Radio-controlled airplane and helicopters differ from each other in their construction and aerodynamics. Helicopters use the rotary wing system whereas the airplanes are constructed with the fixed wing system. For people who pursue a hobby of flying these, they usually start with planes and then move on to flying jets and then helicopters since this is the ascending order for the difficult level. As for the engine of both airplanes and helicopters, it can either be electric-powered or gas-powered. As for the controllers
Pursuing this As a Hobby
Many youngsters and adults are avid followers of this unique hobby. Traditionally the hobbyists consider the assembling and flying as the entire experience, however due to the ready-made airplanes and easy-to-assemble kits, people can now save time on building or assembling the aircraft from scratch. There are many types of radio-controlled aircraft for beginners as well as experts. For beginners there are park flyers and trainers, whereas the more advanced pilots prefer the glow plug engine, electric-powered and sailplane aircraft. As for the expert flyers they can pick from jets, helicopters, autogyros, 3D aircraft, and many other high-end aircraft that make for some very satisfying and challenging flying experiences. The beginners can also indulge in the indoor radio controlled helicopters, which are relatively easier to fly and are comparatively inexpensive.
Controllers of Radio-controlled Aircraft
The controller or the joystick plays a crucial role in the flying process. The more the number of controllers, the more number of functions you can control. Beginners are advised to start with planes that have three channels that operate only on throttle, elevator and rudder. Practicing simulation before operating an actual RC aircraft might be a good idea since it will give you a sound idea of the entire experience. People who have mastered their skills at the three-channel operation can then move on to try their hands at the four channel aircraft which are controlled by throttle, elevator, rudder and ailerons. For the experts there are complex models and larger scale planes where multiple servos can be used on control surfaces.
Ready-to-fly Airplanes and Helicopters
Ready To Fly planes commonly known, as RTF planes are nothing but pre-assembled or ready-made airplanes. Also available are Almost Ready to Fly or ARTF airplanes that are usually assembly kits that only require minimum attachment or some other basic assembly to be performed. These kits or ready-made planes thus save on the building time invested and give more time for the airplane enthusiasts to indulge more in actual flying. However traditional hobbyist builders do not prefer these models since they consider the model assembly as an integral part of the hobby.
For hardcore enthusiasts who consider building or assembling an airplane as a crucial part of this hobby, there are various kits available. The kits contain all the raw material needed for an unassembled plane. It is usually accompanied with a complete set of assembly instructions, and a few spare parts in case there are some errors. Assembling a model is a very time-consuming process. The builder has to work industriously assembling the frame, covering it, and then polishing the control surfaces to ensure correct alignment. One of the important things to be kept in mind is that these kits do not include the necessary tools and hence the tools need to be bought separately.
Indulging in a hobby can be a very fulfilling experience, to say the least. So if you are into airplanes or helicopters, it is time you try your hand at building one and enjoy as you fly your aircraft in the azure skies or in the comfort of your home!
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